
A. Hochenegger, C. Meachan.
Frobenius and spherical codomains and neighbourhoods
Documenta Mathematica, 25:483-525, 2020.
A. Hochenegger, D. Ploog.
Rigid Divisors on Surfaces
Izvestiya: Mathematics, 84(1):146-185, 2020.
A. Boralevi, D. Faenzi, P. Lella.
Truncated modules and linear presentations of vector bundles
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 17:5347-5377, 2018.
V. Beorchia, P. Lella, E. Schlesinger.
The maximum genus problem for locally Cohen-Macaulay space curves
Milan J. Math., 86(2):137-155, 2018.
A. Hochenegger, A. Krug.
Formality of $\mathbb{P}$-objects
Compositio Mathematica, 155(5):973-994, 2019.
A. Hochenegger, M. Kalck, D. Ploog.
Spherical Subcategories in Representation Theory
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 291(1-2):113-147, 2019.
P. Dulio, S. Pagani.
A rounding theorem for unique binary tomographic reconstruction
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 268:54-69, 2019.
A. Hochenegger, E. Martinengo.
Maps of Mori Dream Spaces
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 222(6):1287-1305, 2018.
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