Superoscillations and spaces of holomorohic functions

Team Irene Sabadini Stefano Pinton External collaborators Yakir Aharonov (Chapman University and Tel Aviv University) Fabrizio Colombo (Polimi) Shmuel Nussinov (Chapman University and Tel Aviv University) Daniele C. Struppa (Chapman University) Jeff Tollaksen (Chapman University)

The study of precision measurements, or metrology, is a recurring theme in all scientific research. Recent applications of ideas originated by Aharonov have pierced some of these limitations, leading to advances beyond the current state-of-the-art (including breaking the diffraction limit). The mathematical underpinnings for these advances lie in a concept called superoscillations and its study from a mathematical point of view, includes their optimization, longevity in time, their ubiquitous occurence in a broad spectrum of different settings such as group theory.

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