
Given a toric vector bundle, i.e. an equivariant vector bundle on a smooth complete toric variety, this package for Macaulay2 can check the positivity of this bundle. PositivityToricBundles can check whether a toric vector bundle is nef, (very) ample or globally generated.
The package is based on results by Milena Hering, Mircea Mustaţă and Sam Payne and by Sandra Di Rocco, Kelly Jabbusch and Greg Smith. For computational purposes it uses the Macaulay2-package ToricVectorBundles.

The package is contained in the file PositivityToricBundles.m2 and this file also provides the documentation. Moreover, the package is part of Macaulay2.

For some more information about this package, see also PositivityToricBundles.pdf.