Membri con interessi in geometria algebrica

Pubblicazioni in geometria algebrica

D. Festi, A. Hochenegger. Rationalizability of field extensions with a view towards Feynman integrals, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 178(104536):1-10, 2022.
A. Boralevi, D. Faenzi, P. Lella. A construction of equivariant bundles on the space of symmetric forms, accettato su Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 2021.
A. Hochenegger. On Ulrich bundles on projective bundles, accettato su Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 2021.
Y. Kambe, P. Lella. The Gröbner fan of the Hilbert scheme, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 200:547–594, 2021.
A. Hochenegger, C. Meachan. Frobenius and spherical codomains and neighbourhoods, Documenta Mathematica, 25:483-525, 2020.
A. Hochenegger, D. Ploog. Rigid Divisors on Surfaces, Izvestiya: Mathematics, 84(1):146-185, 2020.
D. Alberelli, P. Lella. Strongly stable ideals and Hilbert polynomials, J. Softw. Algebra Geom., 9:1-9, 2019.
A. Boralevi, D. Faenzi, P. Lella. Truncated modules and linear presentations of vector bundles, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 17:5347-5377, 2018.
V. Beorchia, P. Lella, E. Schlesinger. The maximum genus problem for locally Cohen-Macaulay space curves, Milan J. Math., 86(2):137-155, 2018.
A. Hochenegger, A. Krug. Formality of $\mathbb{P}$-objects, Compositio Mathematica, 155(5):973-994, 2019.
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