June 7, 2024 11 a.m. CEST Seminar room - 3rd floor
Ritvik Ramkumar Cornell University
Hilbert schemes of points on threefolds
May 13, 2024 3:30 p.m. CEST MOX seminar room - 6th floor
Camilla Felisetti Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
On the intersection cohomology of vector bundles
April 29, 2024 3:30 p.m. CEST Seminar room - 3rd floor
Saipriya Dubey Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Tight Hilbert Polynomials
April 22, 2024 3:30 p.m. CEST Seminar room - 3rd floor
Maxim Smirnov University of Augsburg
Derived categories of G/P
April 18, 2024 1 p.m. CEST Seminar room - 3th floor
Alessio D'Alì Politecnico di Milano
Symmetry counts: an introduction to equivariant Hilbert and Ehrhart series
March 25, 2024 3:30 p.m. CET Seminar room - 3rd floor
Annalisa Grossi Università di Paris-Saclay
Automorphisms of OG10 towards Enriques manifolds
March 18, 2024 3 p.m. CET Seminar room - 3rd floor
Gianluca Faraco Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Translation surfaces with poles and their moduli spaces
March 14, 2024 1 p.m. CET MOX Seminar room - 6th floor
Alexandru Costantinescu Freie Universität Berlin
Cotangent Cohomology for Matroids
February 22, 2024 1 p.m. CET MOX Seminar room - 6th floor
Akihiro Higashitani Osaka University
Difference of Hilbert series of homogeneous monoid algebras and their normalizations
December 14, 2023 2:30 p.m. CET Seminar room - 3rd floor
Massimiliano Alessandro Università degli Studi di Genova
On the Classification of Surfaces of General Type with $p_g =q=2$
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